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Conditioning and Strength Training for Dancers: How Physical Therapy Can Help

September 1st, 2023 | 5 min. read

Conditioning and Strength Training for Dancers: How Physical Therapy Can Help
Jade Hutcheson

Jade Hutcheson

Licensed Physical Therapist, PT, DPT // Herman and Wallace Pelvic Floor Level 1 Certified // EW Motion Therapy Meadowbrook/280

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Whether you're a ballet lover or a hip-hop enthusiast, conditioning and strength training are non-negotiable for dancing. They are the secret ingredients that can transform a good dancer into a phenomenal one. But what exactly is conditioning and strength training? And how can dancers incorporate these practices into their routines?


Conditioning refers to exercises that improve your overall physical fitness, endurance and performance. These exercises increase your stamina, agility, speed, and enabling you to dance longer and more intensely. On the other hand, strength training focuses on building muscle power and resilience, which helps dancers execute demanding moves and sequences easily while reducing the risk of injury. 


You can always discuss your strength-building needs with your dance instructors, but if you are seeking another opinion, a physical therapist can be a great professional to advise you. They can watch you dance and assess any imbalances that need correction through a customized treatment plan - we love doing this for our dancers at EW Motion Therapy. Your physical therapist can also work alongside your dance instructor to develop the best plan for you and your training. Even if you decide that our services do not fit your needs, you can still read on to learn some exercises dancers can use to build strength and how physical therapy can help.  


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What are the best exercises for dancers to build strength?

Now that we understand the basics, let's delve into some specific activities that dancers can incorporate into their routines.


Core workouts

A strong core is essential for dancers. It provides stability, balance, and control, which is crucial for executing complex dance moves. Pilates is a fantastic way to strengthen your core. Exercises like various plank sequences, bird dogs, and standing abdominal work can work wonders. 



Flexibility is a dancer's best friend. Regular stretching improves your range of motion and reduces muscle stiffness and risk of injury. Dynamic stretches (pre-practice) to warm up your major muscle groups, such as walking quad stretch, Frankenstein kicks, and hip CARS, are great before practice. Static stretches (post practice) like the butterfly stretch, pigeon pose, and forward bend are perfect for cooling down. However, over-stretching IS a thing, and we must maintain stability amongst all the flexibility. 


Balance drills

Balance is fundamental to all dance styles. Exercises such as relevés, soutenus, and arabesques can help improve balance and stability. Incorporating BOSU training, single leg strength exercises, and various other dance-specific drills can enhance your balance and coordination.


Understanding your body is vital for dancers. Key muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, and core, play a significant role in dancing. Strengthening these muscles can drastically improve your performance and reduce the likelihood of injuries.


Poor posture can hinder a dancer's performance and lead to long-term health issues. Practicing alignment exercises and being mindful of your posture during everyday activities can help correct this.


Remember, warming up before and cooling down after every dance session is essential. It prepares your body for rigorous activity and aids recovery, respectively.


How can physical therapy help dancers strength train?

Have you ever felt a twinge in your ankle during a pirouette? Or a persistent ache in your back after a long rehearsal. You should not ignore these signs, as they might be your body's way of telling you something is off. This is where physical therapy comes into play.


Physical therapy is not just about recovery; it's about empowerment. It's about taking control of your health and well-being, understanding your body's unique needs, and creating a training routine that enhances your strength without risking injury.


So, how exactly does physical therapy elevate a dancer's strength training routine?


Identifying weaknesses 

Our bodies are intricate systems; weaknesses or imbalances can sometimes sneak in unnoticed. A trained physical therapist can identify these issues before they escalate into injuries. They can spot the subtle signs, like a slight limp in your step or a reduced range of motion.


Personalized training programs 

No two dancers are the same, so why should their training routines be? A physical therapist can design a personalized strength training program tailored to your needs. Whether you need to work on your core strength for those challenging lifts or improve your flexibility for that perfect grand jeté, physical therapy can provide the roadmap to reach your goals safely and effectively.


Injury rehabilitation 

If injuries do occur, physical therapy plays an essential role in recovery. Therapists use techniques that heal and strengthen the injured area to prevent future mishaps. They guide you through each stage of recovery, ensuring you regain your strength and confidence.


Education and empowerment 

Physical therapists are educators at heart. They empower dancers with knowledge about their bodies, teaching them how to execute movements correctly, understand their limits, and listen to their bodies. This knowledge is power—the power to prevent injury, improve performance, and extend dance careers.


Imagine dancing with greater strength, improved flexibility, and, most importantly, less pain. Picture yourself executing each move precisely and easily, knowing you're doing what's best for your body. This isn't just wishful thinking—it's a reality made possible through physical therapy.


Physical therapy can be a dancer's secret weapon. It can help identify potential issues before they become injuries, assist in rehabilitation, and develop safe and effective training programs tailored to a dancer's needs. Dancing is a physically demanding activity. However, proper conditioning and strength training can be a rewarding and injury-free pursuit. So, take control of your health and wellness, and enlist the help of a physical therapist to ensure your routine is safe and fully optimized for your performance. We love creating treatment plans to help our dancers improve and prevent injury at EW Motion Therapy. If you’re curious about what else physical therapy can do for you, click the button below to download our answers to 20 frequently asked questions.


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