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The Power of Movement: How Physical Activity Helps Prevent and Manage Cancer

July 27th, 2023 | 6 min. read

The Power of Movement: How Physical Activity Helps Prevent and Manage Cancer
Amanda Krumrie

Amanda Krumrie

Licensed Physical Therapist, PT, DPT // Clinical Director of EW Motion Therapy Homewood

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Cancer, one of the most pervasive health challenges worldwide, affects millions yearly. The search for effective prevention and management strategies continues, and research has shed light on the pivotal role of physical activity in the fight against cancer. Regular exercise has proven benefits in preventing various types of cancer and managing cancer symptoms. We tell our clients at EW Motion Therapy that movement is medicine and can help prevent many health conditions over time. Even if you decide not to pursue physical therapy or personal training with us, you can still read on as we explore the science behind this connection and how physical activity can empower individuals in their battle against cancer. 


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The preventive potential of physical activity


  1. Reduces cancer risk: Numerous studies have established a strong link between physical activity and a reduced risk of developing certain cancers. Regular exercise is crucial in maintaining a healthy weight, associated with a lower risk of breast, colon, and endometrial cancers. Physical activity also aids in improving insulin sensitivity and lowering inflammation, both of which are factors that contribute to cancer development.
  2. Balances hormones: Hormonal imbalances can increase the risk of certain cancers. However, physical activity helps regulate hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and insulin, which play significant roles in cancer growth. This hormonal balance can be particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of breast and prostate cancers.
  3. Boosts immune function: A robust immune system is vital in identifying and eliminating cancerous cells. Regular exercise enhances immune function, making it more efficient in detecting and destroying cancer cells, thus reducing the likelihood of cancer development.


Physical activity and cancer management


  1. Enhanced quality of life: Physical activity can significantly improve cancer patients’ and survivors’ quality of life. Engaging in exercise has been linked to reduced fatigue, anxiety, and depression and improved overall well-being. It helps survivors regain strength and maintain a sense of normalcy during and after cancer treatment.
  2. Managing treatment side effects: Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation often cause debilitating side effects such as nausea, weakness, and pain. Regular physical activity can help alleviate some of these symptoms and help patients cope better with treatment challenges.
  3. Maintaining muscle mass and bone density: Some cancer treatments can lead to muscle loss and bone density reduction. Weight-bearing exercises and strength training can help preserve muscle mass and bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and improving overall physical function. 


In addition to an exercise routine, there are several daily movement practices that cancer patients can follow to promote overall well-being and support their physical and emotional health. You can incorporate these practices into your daily routine and adapt them based on your energy levels and needs. Here are some daily movement practices for cancer patients:


  1. Walking: Walking is a simple and effective way to incorporate movement into daily life. Cancer patients can take short walks outdoors or indoors, depending on their comfort level and weather conditions. Walking helps maintain physical activity and provides an opportunity to get fresh air and clear the mind.
  2. Gentle stretching: Gentle stretching exercises can be done in the morning or throughout the day to improve flexibility and prevent stiffness. Focusing on major muscle groups like the arms, legs, neck, and back can help promote mobility and reduce discomfort.
  3. Household chores: Engaging in light household chores can be a practical way to stay active. Activities like washing dishes, sweeping the floor, or folding laundry involve movement and contribute to daily physical activity.
  4. Gardening: Gardening is a therapeutic and enjoyable way to move the body and connect with nature. Tending to plants, weeding, and planting flowers can provide gentle exercise and a sense of accomplishment.
  5. Taking the stairs: Cancer patients can take the stairs instead of elevators or escalators whenever possible. Climbing stairs is a simple way to incorporate cardiovascular activity into the day.
  6. Standing and stretching breaks: For those who spend long hours sitting, such as during work or rest, it's essential to take regular standing and stretching breaks. You can do simple stretches to release tension and improve circulation.
  7. Deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing exercises can be beneficial for managing stress and anxiety. Cancer patients can practice mindful breathing to relax the body and mind throughout the day.
  8. Dancing: Gentle dancing to your favorite music can provide an enjoyable way to move the body and lift the spirits. It's an activity that can be done alone or with a partner or loved ones.
  9. Mind-body practices: Mind-body practices like tai chi, yoga, and meditation can be incorporated into the daily routine to enhance mental and emotional well-being. These practices promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve focus and mindfulness.
  10. Balancing exercises: Simple balancing exercises can help improve stability and reduce the risk of falls. Cancer patients can practice standing on one foot or using balance boards (if their healthcare team recommends it).
  11. Laughing and smiling: Though not a traditional form of movement, laughing and smiling can positively affect mood and well-being. Engaging in activities that bring joy and laughter can benefit overall health.


Cancer patients must remember that they can adapt movement practices to their unique circumstances. The goal is to engage in enjoyable activities, support healing, and improve their overall quality of life. Always consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance on incorporating daily movement practices into the cancer care journey.


Finding the right balance


While physical activity offers significant benefits in cancer prevention and management, it is essential to strike a balance. For cancer patients, modifying physical activity to accommodate their symptoms is crucial to ensure safety and prevent worsening health issues. It is essential to consult with their healthcare team, including oncologists and physical therapists, to create a tailored exercise plan that considers their cancer type, treatment stage, overall health, and symptoms. Here are some general guidelines to help cancer patients modify their physical activity:


  1. Seek professional guidance: Before starting any exercise program, patients should discuss their intention to exercise with their healthcare team. A physical therapist or exercise specialist with experience in working with cancer patients can provide personalized advice and create an appropriate exercise plan based on the individual's condition.
  2. Listen to your body: Cancer patients should pay close attention to their bodies and how they feel during and after exercise. They should stop the activity and seek medical advice if they experience pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, or any other discomfort.
  3. Start slowly: Cancer patients, especially those undergoing treatment, may have reduced energy levels and physical strength. It's essential to start with gentle exercises and gradually increase intensity and duration as they feel more comfortable and gain strength.
  4. Focus on flexibility and range of motion: Low-impact stretching exercises can help maintain flexibility and improve range of motion, which may be affected by surgery or treatment. Yoga or gentle stretching routines can be beneficial.
  5. Avoid overexertion: Cancer patients should avoid intense physical activities, especially during active treatment. Overexertion can lead to fatigue and negatively impact the body's ability to recover.
  6. Incorporate rest days: Adequate rest is essential for the body's healing and recovery. Cancer patients should include rest days between exercise sessions to prevent fatigue and promote overall well-being.
  7. Hydration and nutrition: Proper hydration and nutrition are vital for cancer patients engaging in physical activity. Staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet can support overall health and energy levels.
  8. Stay safe during treatment: For patients undergoing treatment, it is essential to follow any precautions and guidelines provided by their healthcare team. Some medicines can weaken the immune system, making it crucial to avoid crowded gyms or public spaces where exposure to germs is more likely.
  9. Adapt to changes: Cancer patients may experience symptoms and energy level fluctuations. Adapting the exercise routine accordingly and being flexible with the plan to accommodate these changes is essential.


Cancer patients can benefit significantly from modifying their physical activity to suit their symptoms and treatment. Working closely with healthcare professionals and being attentive to their body's signals will help ensure a safe and effective exercise program that supports their overall well-being during and after cancer treatment.


Physical activity is a potent tool in the prevention of cancer and the management of its symptoms. Its myriad benefits make it an integral part of a comprehensive cancer care plan. Embracing an active lifestyle, with healthcare professionals’ guidance, empowers individuals to take control of their health and contribute to their fight against cancer. Our physical therapists at EW Motion Therapy work daily with clients to modify activities to fit their symptoms and lifestyle. If you are curious about what else physical therapy can do for you, click the button below to download our answers to 20 frequently asked questions.


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