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Beginner vs. Advanced Pilates: A Journey Through Movement and Mastery

January 13th, 2024 | 4 min. read

Beginner vs. Advanced Pilates: A Journey Through Movement and Mastery
Ivy Spencer

Ivy Spencer

PT, DPT // Licensed Physical Therapist // CoreAlign Instructor // Lead Pilates Instructor // EW Motion Therapy Homewood

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Pilates, a form of exercise renowned for its focus on core strength, flexibility, and mind-body awareness, offers a range of benefits catering to individuals at every fitness level. Whether you're just starting or are a seasoned practitioner, understanding the journey from beginner to advanced Pilates can help you optimize your workouts, understand a reasonable advancement timeline, and achieve your health and wellness goals. We love helping our Pilates clients at EW Motion Therapy advance healthily with professional observation and one-on-one sessions for any beginner. But even if you decide not to take a Pilates class with us, you can still read on as we explore the differences between beginner and advanced Pilates and the progression of movements. We provide insightful advice for beginners aspiring to reach new heights in their Pilates practice. 


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Understanding Pilates: a foundation for all levels


The core principles

Before delving into the complexities of advanced techniques, it's crucial to understand the core principles underpinning all Pilates levels: Concentration, Control, Centering, Flow, Precision, and Breathing. These principles are the foundation of your movements and guide your progression from beginner to advanced levels.


The role of equipment

Pilates can be performed with or without equipment. The mat provides a solid foundation for beginners, focusing on body weight to create resistance. As you advance, equipment like the Reformer, Cadillac, and Wunda Chair introduces new challenges and dimensions to your practice, enhancing strength and flexibility.


Beginner Pilates: laying the groundwork

Beginner Pilates focuses on learning proper form, alignment, and breathing techniques. Exercises are more straightforward at this stage, emphasizing stability and core strength. Movements like the standing roll-down are staples that build a strong foundation.


For newcomers, the key is patience and consistency. It's essential to master the basics before moving on to more complex movements. Regular practice, even just a few times a week, can significantly improve strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. It would be beneficial to begin your Pilates practice in an individual session with a certified instructor so that you understand your body’s limitations and can progress accordingly.


Advanced Pilates: elevating your practice

As you transition to advanced Pilates, exercises become more complex and challenging. They require greater strength, flexibility, and control. Movements like the plank, side plank, and swan are testaments to advanced proficiency, showcasing an increased range of motion and endurance.


At the advanced level, the focus is not only on physical execution but also on deepening the mind-body connection. Advanced practitioners perform movements with higher precision and flow, making the practice physical and a meditative and reflective experience.


Progressing from beginner to advanced: your path forward

As you embark on your journey from beginner to advanced Pilates, it's vital to understand and listen to your body. Recognize your strengths and areas for improvement. This self-awareness will guide your practice and help you focus on exercises to aid your progression.


Setting realistic goals

Set realistic and achievable goals for your Pilates journey. Whether mastering a new set of movements, improving your flexibility, or simply dedicating more time to practice, having clear objectives will keep you motivated and focused.


Seeking professional guidance

Working with a qualified Pilates instructor can provide personalized feedback and adjustments crucial for advancing your practice. They can help you understand complex movements, refine your technique, and prevent injury.


Embracing the journey

Finally, remember that progressing from beginner to advanced Pilates is a journey. It's about personal growth, understanding your body, and pushing your limits. Celebrate your achievements along the way and enjoy becoming stronger, more flexible, and more attuned to your body.


Whether starting with beginner Pilates or working towards advanced movements, remember that Pilates is a continuous learning and improvement journey. By understanding the differences between the levels, embracing the core principles, and listening to your body, you can maximize your Pilates practice and enjoy its many benefits. Remember, the goal of Pilates is not just to perform advanced movements but to cultivate a deeper bodily awareness and achieve a balance of strength, flexibility, and breath. At EW Motion Therapy, we love encouraging Pilates as a full-body movement practice more than a workout, whether our clients are beginners or advanced. To learn more about how Pilates can help you achieve full-body wellness, click the button below to download our answers to 20 frequently asked questions.


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