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Are Paid Weight Loss Plans Worth It? Potential Benefits and Drawbacks

April 13th, 2022 | 5 min. read

Are Paid Weight Loss Plans Worth It? Potential Benefits and Drawbacks
Haley Johnston

Haley Johnston

Motion Specialist // Certified Personal Trainer // EW Motion Therapy Homewood

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If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to define your goals and figure out what you are willing to commit. For some, going on runs and adding more veggies to their grocery list is enough to make a difference, but that doesn’t always work for everyone. So when should you invest money into your weight loss journey? And with such a crowded market, what kind of weight loss plan should you pay for? 


If you have tried and failed to lose the weight on your own, putting a cost on your success can be a great motivator. When clients come to our nutrition coaches at EW Motion Therapy for weight loss, we emphasize nutrition education - the foods you should prioritize and how much you should be eating. Our ultimate goal is to help you decide whether you want to pay for the services of a nutrition coach or some other program, even if you decide not to pursue coaching with us. 


This article discusses the characteristics of a good weight loss plan, potential benefits and drawbacks of weight loss plans, and which ones may work for you. With this information, you can move forward in your weight loss journey knowing that investing in yourself is always a smart financial decision. 


Habit-based nutrition plans can be a good place to start if you are wanting to lose weight. Learn more about what makes these plans different here.


What makes a good weight loss plan? 

Ultimately, a good weight loss plan is a sustainable weight loss plan. If you can keep something up for a little while, but then inevitably slip back into your old habits, there is probably something in your plan that is too inconvenient or doesn’t provide enough diversity. Food is fuel for your body, but it is also something that is meant to be enjoyed. So if your plan does not allow you to have the foods you love in moderation, you might need to reevaluate. 


Along with training for longevity, you should look for a plan that teaches a balanced diet and healthy habits. As long as you consume less calories than you burn, and still get the nutrients you need, you will lose weight in a healthy way. If your plan includes a good balance of carbs, proteins, and fats, that is usually a sign that it prioritizes healthy weight loss. Some people choose to cut out carbs, like a keto diet, or meat, as is the case with any plant-based diet. The plan you choose is ultimately up to you, but if you do choose to cut out carbs or meat, you need to find healthy substitutes for your body to still get the nutrients it needs. 


Download our Nutrition Q&A here!



Faster weight loss is, of course, an obvious benefit of using a paid plan, but whether you can permanently keep the weight off is another conversation. Another benefit is having a set of rules you can follow - there is no guesswork. If you are a person who enjoys an orderly life with strict rules around a diet, then a paid plan that clearly lays out everything you can eat and everything you can’t might work well for you. 


Additionally, some paid weight loss plans have a community aspect to them. Apps like Noom give you access to a personal coach and a support group, with whom you can chat daily and receive encouragement. If you are a social person who thinks you would thrive in that sort of environment, then a plan in which you meet with other members might give you the encouragement you need to continue and really make a difference in your health.



Along with these benefits come some potential drawbacks to using a paid plan. Cost is the obvious one, of course. Premium subscriptions can be pricey, and a personal nutrition coach or nutritionist can charge even more. If you do choose an app and not a personalized plan, the one-size-fits-all approach might not work for you. Some people have underlying medical conditions that make it difficult to lose weight, and most apps don’t take that into consideration. 


Also, if you are following a very restrictive plan, going out to eat anywhere besides your own kitchen can be very difficult. You want to enjoy yourself and have fun with whoever you’re with, but having to measure or figure out point values of your food can take some of the fun away from being there. Increasingly restrictive plans can also cause you to get into a restrict-binge cycle. You may decide to eat more than normal one day, but then the guilt may cause you to restrict yourself the next day, until you get so hungry that you binge again. It’s a vicious cycle, and one that has trapped many people in diagnosed eating disorders. You need a plan that you can keep up long-term, where you can see results and still enjoy the fun food in life.


Which one will work for me? 

Now you know more about weight loss plans and how they might work for you. If you are looking to pay and start a plan, you have a myriad of options to choose from, from Weight Watchers (WW) to Nutrisystem to Noom and everyone in between. At the end of the day, if you can build healthy balanced habits, see the results you want, and still enjoy treats every once in a while, you have found the weight loss plan that works for you, and you can feel great making that investment. 


Our nutrition clients at EW Motion Therapy learn healthy habits over time, so they can see results in a healthy way and build confidence in themselves. If you are still curious about nutrition plans, download our answers to 20 frequently-asked nutrition questions to continue your research.

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