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The Road to Recovery: Physical Therapy for Professional Truck Drivers

September 15th, 2023 | 4 min. read

The Road to Recovery: Physical Therapy for Professional Truck Drivers
James Ingram

James Ingram

Licensed Physical Therapist, PT DPT // EW Motion Therapy Homewood

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Professional truck drivers are the backbone of our economy, tirelessly transporting goods across the country day and night. However, the demanding nature of their job can take a toll on their bodies, leading to various physical health issues and injuries. Physical therapy can be an excellent treatment for truck drivers dealing with pain or tightness while driving - we consider it a privilege at EW Motion Therapy to help these essential workers, and we certainly accept worker’s compensation. But even if you decide that our physical therapy doesn’t fit your needs, you can still read on as we explore the most common conditions and injuries experienced by professional truck drivers and discuss how physical therapy can play a crucial role in their recovery and overall well-being. 


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Common conditions and injuries for truck drivers


  1. Back pain: Long hours behind the wheel can lead to chronic back pain. The seated position and vibrations from the road can lead to tightness of the lower back muscles and spine, causing discomfort and reduced mobility.
  2. Neck and shoulder pain: Constantly looking over their shoulder, reaching for gears, and gripping the steering wheel can lead to neck and shoulder pain. These symptoms range from mild discomfort to more severe conditions like cervical radiculopathy.
  3. Repetitive strain injuries (RSI): Professional truck drivers often perform repetitive movements, such as shifting gears and gripping the steering wheel. Over time, these repetitive actions can result in RSIs like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.
  4. Knee and hip problems: Climbing in and out of the cab and sitting for extended periods can contribute to knee and hip problems. Arthritis, bursitis, and muscle tightness are not uncommon among truck drivers.
  5. Obesity: Sedentary lifestyles on the road and irregular meal schedules can lead to obesity. Excess weight can exacerbate other health issues and reduce overall quality of life.
  6. Sleep disorders: Erratic schedules and long hours can disrupt a driver's sleep patterns, leading to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or insomnia.


The role of physical therapy

Physical therapy is pivotal in preventing and treating these common conditions and injuries among professional truck drivers. A tailored treatment plan can help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall well-being. Here's what a physical therapy plan may include:


  1. Pain management: Physical therapists employ various techniques to manage pain, including manual therapy, hot and cold therapies, and electrical stimulation. These methods can reduce pain levels and improve a driver's comfort.
  2. Strengthening exercises: To address back, neck, and shoulder pain, therapists develop customized exercise regimens that focus on strengthening core and upper body muscles. These exercises can help improve posture and reduce the risk of future injuries.
  3. Stretching routines: Stretching exercises target tight muscles and improve flexibility. Truck drivers can benefit from regular stretching routines to alleviate discomfort and maintain range of motion in joints.
  4. Ergonomics education: Physical therapists educate drivers on proper ergonomics while on the road. They advise adjusting seats, mirrors, and steering wheels to reduce strain and maintain a more comfortable driving posture.
  5. Weight management: For those struggling with obesity, physical therapists can collaborate with dietitians to develop a weight management plan. Exercise routines tailored to the driver's condition and limitations can aid in weight loss and overall health improvement.
  6. Sleep improvement strategies: Sleep disorders can be addressed through lifestyle modifications and relaxation techniques. Physical therapists can recommend adjustments to a driver's schedule to promote healthier sleep patterns.
  7. Custom orthotics: In some cases, custom orthotic devices may be prescribed to provide additional support and reduce stress on specific body parts, such as the feet, knees, or lower back.
  8. Education and self-care: Physical therapists educate truck drivers on self-care techniques, including exercises they can perform independently, ergonomic practices, and lifestyle changes to prevent injuries and maintain their health on the road.


Professional truck drivers face numerous physical challenges and health risks due to the nature of their profession. However, physical therapy offers a lifeline to these dedicated individuals. By addressing common conditions and injuries through tailored treatment plans, physical therapists empower truck drivers to maintain their health, reduce pain, and continue their vital work on the road. Truck drivers can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable journey with proper care and support throughout their careers. At EW Motion Therapy, we would love to help any truck driver reduce pain, improve mobility, and learn tools to stay healthy while on the road. If you’re curious about what else physical therapy can do for you, click the button below to download our answers to 20 frequently asked questions.


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