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Preparing for a Joint Replacement: The Crucial Role of Physical Therapy

September 1st, 2023 | 6 min. read

Preparing for a Joint Replacement: The Crucial Role of Physical Therapy
Chris Brandt

Chris Brandt

Licensed Physical Therapist, PT, DPT // Director of Marketing and Sales // Certified Dry Needling Specialist // EW Motion Therapy Homewood

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Facing a joint replacement surgery can be a daunting prospect. Whether it's a hip, knee, or shoulder joint, the journey to recovery requires careful planning and preparation. One integral component of this preparation is physical therapy. Before undergoing joint replacement surgery, engaging in physical therapy can significantly impact the procedure’s outcome, aiding in a faster recovery and enhanced overall well-being. We emphasize the importance of pre-op physical therapy to all our patients at EW Motion Therapy, and our team can tailor a treatment plan to help you prepare for your procedure. Even if you decide that our physical therapy doesn’t fit your needs, you can read on as we delve into the importance of physical therapy before joint replacement, highlighting its benefits, role in reducing healing time, and its seamless connection with post-surgery physical therapy. 


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Benefits of pre-joint replacement physical therapy


  1. Improved range of motion and strength: Doing pre-joint replacement physical therapy helps strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint, enhancing overall joint stability and range of motion. For instance, if you are preparing for a knee replacement, targeted exercises can help improve quadriceps strength, aiding in better support for the new joint post-surgery.
  2. Pain management: Chronic joint pain is often a primary reason for undergoing replacement surgery. Physical therapy techniques such as manual therapy, stretching, and low-impact exercises can help alleviate pain, making the transition to post-surgery recovery smoother.
  3. Optimized surgical outcome: Stronger muscles and increased joint mobility before surgery improve surgical outcomes. Surgeons often find working with a joint with better flexibility and muscle support easier, potentially leading to a more successful procedure.
  4. Mental preparation: Joint replacement surgery can be emotionally taxing. Physical therapy sessions prepare your body and provide an opportunity to prepare for the upcoming surgery and the following challenges mentally.

How does pre-joint replacement physical therapy reduce healing time?


  1. Enhanced blood flow and circulation: Engaging in targeted exercises and movements increases blood flow to the affected area, nourishing the tissues and aiding their recovery. Improved circulation can lead to faster healing times post-surgery.
  2. Reduced swelling: Pre-surgery physical therapy techniques, such as lymphatic drainage and specific exercises, can help reduce swelling in the joint area. Reduced swelling post-surgery contributes to a more comfortable recovery and faster return to normal activities.
  3. Preservation of muscle mass: Joint replacement surgeries often involve cutting through muscle tissue. Engaging in pre-joint replacement physical therapy helps preserve muscle mass and prevent muscle atrophy, allowing for a smoother recovery process. 


Typical pre-joint replacement physical therapy treatment plan


  • Introduction
  1. A brief overview of the importance of physical therapy before joint replacement.
  2. Emphasis on the role of pre-surgery preparation in enhancing surgical outcomes and speeding up recovery.
  • Initial assessment and evaluation
  1. Introduction to the assessment phase of the treatment plan.
  2. Explain how physical therapists evaluate the patient's current condition, range of motion, strength, and pain levels.
  3. Mention a personalized approach based on the joint being replaced (e.g., hip, knee, shoulder).
  • Setting goals and expectations
  1. The importance of setting clear goals for the pre-surgery physical therapy program.
  2. Discuss the patient's goals (e.g., pain reduction, improved mobility, muscle strengthening) and the therapist's input in setting realistic expectations.
  • Designing a customized exercise plan
  1. An overview of creating a tailored exercise plan to address the patient’s needs and limitations.
  2. Mention exercises that improve joint flexibility, muscle strength, and stability.
  3. Inclusion of low-impact aerobic exercises to improve cardiovascular fitness.
  • Pain management techniques
  1. Introduction to pain management strategies employed during pre-joint replacement physical therapy.
  2. Explanation of techniques like manual therapy, gentle stretching, and heat or cold therapy modalities.
  3. Emphasis on alleviating pain and discomfort to prepare the patient for the surgery.
  • Education on post-surgery expectations
  1. Discuss the importance of educating patients about what to expect after joint replacement surgery.
  2. Explanation of potential limitations and challenges during the recovery phase.
  3. Mention of techniques to manage post-surgery pain and discomfort.
  • Home exercise program
  1. Introduction to the home exercise program designed to complement in-clinic sessions.
  2. Explanation of exercises patients can perform at home to reinforce progress made during therapy sessions.
  3. Importance of consistency and adherence to the home exercise routine.
  • Monitoring progress and adjustments
  1. Emphasis on continuously monitoring the patient's progress throughout the pre-surgery physical therapy program.
  2. Mention regular assessments to track improvements in range of motion, strength, and pain levels.
  3. Explanation of how your physical therapist may adjust the therapy plan based on progress.
  • Psychological preparation
  1. A brief discussion of the emotional aspect of undergoing joint replacement surgery.
  2. Explanation of how pre-surgery physical therapy sessions also serve as a platform to address patient concerns and fears.
  3. Importance of mental readiness for the upcoming surgical procedure.
  • Communication with the surgical team
  1. Explanation of how physical therapists collaborate with the patient's surgical team.
  2. Discuss the importance of sharing progress and insights with the surgeon and other healthcare professionals.
  3. Emphasis on creating a comprehensive and coordinated care plan.
  • Conclusion
  1. Recap the critical components of a typical pre-joint replacement physical therapy treatment plan.
  2. Reiteration of the significance of pre-surgery preparation in enhancing surgical outcomes and promoting a smoother recovery.
  3. Encouragement for patients to engage actively in their pre-surgery physical therapy program to maximize benefits.


Remember that the details of the treatment plan may vary based on the patient's needs, the specific joint being replaced, and the healthcare team’s recommendations. Always consult a licensed physical therapist and your healthcare provider to create a tailored plan for your unique situation.


The seamless transition: pre-joint replacement to post-surgery physical therapy


  1. Continuity of care: One of the most significant advantages of pre-joint replacement physical therapy is its natural progression into post-surgery rehabilitation. The exercises and techniques learned before surgery can be seamlessly incorporated into the post-surgery recovery plan, creating a continuous and effective care path.
  2. Faster rehabilitation: Since you're already familiar with the exercises and techniques from pre-joint replacement physical therapy, the transition to post-surgery rehabilitation is smoother. This familiarity accelerates rehabilitation and helps you regain mobility and strength faster.
  3. Personalized approach: Physical therapists working with you before surgery understand your needs, limitations, and goals. This knowledge allows them to create a personalized post-surgery rehabilitation plan that addresses your unique requirements, leading to more effective outcomes.


Engaging in pre-joint replacement physical therapy offers many benefits, from improved range of motion and strength to optimized surgical outcomes and mental preparation. Furthermore, this proactive approach to care reduces healing time by enhancing blood circulation, reducing swelling, and preserving muscle mass. The connection between pre-joint replacement and post-surgery physical therapy creates a seamless continuum of care, ensuring a faster, more effective recovery. Remember, your commitment to pre-surgery physical therapy isn't just an investment in the success of the surgery but also your overall well-being and quality of life.


So, if you find yourself on the path to joint replacement surgery, take the time to explore the possibilities that pre-joint replacement physical therapy offers. Consult with your healthcare provider and a licensed physical therapist to create a tailored plan to set you up for a smoother journey to a stronger, healthier you. Our team does this every day for our clients at EW Motion Therapy, and we consider it a privilege to help you prepare physically and mentally for your procedure. If you’re curious about what else physical therapy can do for you, click the button below to download our answers to 20 frequently asked questions.


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